Auriculotherapy In Orlando
Ear Acupuncture (Auriculotherapy) is a therapeutic microsystem ie. a reflex system where the entire body is represented on the surface of the ear. Fine acupuncture needles are inserted into points of the ear to provide rapid and powerful treatment for many health disorders. Small studs are often taped to the ear for several days to give ongoing therapeutic stimulation. Best acupuncture Orlando provides ear acupuncture or Auriculotherapy In Orlando.
Auriculotherapy is effectively used for:
- drug addiction in rehabilitation clinics throughout the world
- muscular and joint pain, strain and inflammation such as shoulder, neck and lower back pain, sciatica, ankle sprain
- psycho-emotional conditions such as anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, overeating, and smoking withdrawal
- headaches, migraine, hypertension (high blood pressure), asthma, eczema, allergies
How does Auriculotherapy or Ear Acupuncture work?
There are two approaches that can be given in order to understand how the ear may affect the rest of the body, the Chinese medical and the Western Medical approach. Chinese Medicine is based on philosophical and theoretical phenomena through thousands of years of observation of people and the universe around them. The concepts of Yin and Yang, the channel system, the notion of Qi or energy and its physiological relationship to blood etc are all involved in the practice of Auricular Acupuncture and Body Acupuncture.
What are the Therapeutic benefits of Auriculotherapy?
The commonest disorders treated in our clinic with ear acupuncture are: stop smoking, reducing weight, allergies and Bronchial Asthma. The most important steps the acupuncturist has to remember in performing auriculotherapy are:
- To make sure that the ear is well clean before acupuncture is conducted.
- Not to penetrate the cartilage when puncturing.
- To use short needles which are disposable.
- Not to needle the inner and outer ear surfaces of the same ear, at the same sitting.
- Not to use hand manipulation of the needle to stimulate the ear points.
- The needles may be inserted perpendicularly or obliquely. When inserted perpendicularly, the needles should hang by the skin and should not penetrate the cartilage, as it is relatively avascular and any injury or infection may have very serious consequences. After insertion, the needles are left in place for about 20 to 30 minutes. If stimulation is desired electro-manipulation is used.
The results obtained with auriculotherapy are generally better than with body acupuncture in internal organ disorders. It is often useful to combine both types of acupuncture for maximum response.
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What happens in a treatment?
A medical history and lifestyle questionnaire is filled out to ensure treatment is safe for the client. A ‘prescription’ is drawn up to work the appropriate points and then each point is stimulated in the same order in each ear. Any particularly reactive points are addressed and treatment is concluded.
This treatment is offered as a non-needling technique. Electronic stimulation, palpation or laser can be used as effective methods of stimulating the various acupuncture points on the ears with benefits lasting longer than the usual needling techniques. This is also a much ‘safer’ method as the skin is not pierced and, therefore, the risk of infection through the breaking of the skin is eliminated. Contact us to get the best Auriculotherapy In Orlando.