Acupuncture For IBS, Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis In Orlando
Acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, and Chinese dietary therapy can all see good improvement in a wide range of digestive problems. As traditional Chinese medicine does not have the same level of separation between mind and body and spirit this can often lead to good understanding and results where there is an emotional content to the situation.
How Acupuncture Works?
Acupuncture in combination with Chinese dietary advice is a safe way of treating chronic conditions like:
- IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
- Stomach pain & nausea
- Bloating & constipation
- Weight gain & tiredness
- Crohn’s disease
- Colitis
Chinese dietary therapy does not suggest complex diets but helps to identify a way of eating that suits your particular body type or constitution.
What causes IBS and how does acupuncture help?
The cause of IBS is unclear, but it appears that sensory nerves in the bowel are hypersensitive in people with IBS. Under or overactivity of the intestinal muscles causes:
- Abdominal pain or discomfort.
- Cramping and excess wind.
- Bouts of diarrhea and/or constipation.
Acupuncture can have an effect to reduce the effects of stress hormones and therefore ease gut over sensitivity. It can also reduce muscle contraction in the gut walls, leading to a reduction in bloating and pain.
What happens at my first session?
At our first consultation, we talk through your specific issues, how long they’ve been going on and when they first started (often for many years on and off). We will take a detailed case history including other aspects of general health and well-being. We will make a note of any medication you are taking, and ask about your diet.
Once your acupuncturist has established your particular constitutional patterns, they will tell you how they think acupuncture might help you, and give you advice about diet based on Chinese dietary advice.
Chinese dietary advice does not suggest complex exclusion diets but helps to identify a way of eating and drinking that suits your particular body type or constitution. This helps to achieve long-lasting healthy weight loss.
Acupuncture for Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis:
These chronic inflammatory diseases of the intestines tend to have flare up and remissions. Acupuncture can be used at any stage and is safe to use alongside western medical treatment.
The Benefits of Acupuncture
Many medical treatments just treat your symptoms. Acupuncture treats the root cause of your complaint. This not only improves your complaint but also helps with other symptoms – you may find that you are sleeping better, niggling back pain has gone and you have a general sense of wellbeing.